Uncovering the Secrets of Catwalking
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Uncovering the Secrets of Catwalking

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Summary: The fashion industry is one of the most competitive in the world. Models are often among the first to see a new trend and are constantly on the move. They need to walk in the latest fashions and work for long hours. To do this, they need to be in shape and practice catwalking. Here’s all about how to do it like a pro.

The fashion industry is a whopping $2.4 trillion, and fashion shows are its pillar. The models, the unending rows of couture, the celebrities, and the photographers, all make up the glamor. But, there's plenty of hard work put into the runways–and into each catwalk–every season. Catwalks are a kind of template for the upcoming seasons, with the tendencies and trends set by fashion designers. 

On the runway, the models take over from the designer. They are the ones showcasing the brand’s work to the world. Walking the ramp is more than just makeup and a good-looking face. Models need to understand the concept and the aesthetics of the brand. Fashion shows are professionally choreographed, but models should carry their strengths and attitude to the ramp. Let’s look into the secrets of catwalking.

Catwalking Secrets Uncovered 

Planning a fashion show is hard work. The brand must position itself well and use the right models to fit its core values. The models’ attitude on the runway catapult a designer’s collection in the right direction, and it can also set their career on the right path. Here is what a model needs to know to ace catwalking like a pro.

  • Try to Catch the Rhythm A model’s pace should neither be too fast nor too slow. Usually, there is music during a catwalk show, and it helps to pay attention to the music, feel the beats, and tune one's steps with that. Professional models focus on taking long strides to keep pace with the other models on the ramp. This will also help with smooth and confident catwalking. When one stops at the end of the catwalk, one should not make a sudden turn. Instead, they must plan their stop, slow down, stop, and pose. Before turning, they must shift their weight from one foot to the other, and pose again before moving. Models can inwardly count to three before they walk back. This will also give the paparazzi time to click a picture.
  • Be a Natural While a model needs to be mindful of their body language, posture, and expressions, they should also make catwalking look effortless. When walking, they should look natural yet relaxed with shoulders upright, core tight, and back straight. The arms should swing gently while the hands are relaxed. Their walk should focus on the movement of the legs, not the hips. The model should plan their feet confidently on the ground with each step. For practice, they could begin with flat shoes instead of heels and then gradually move to high heels once they have perfected the walk. 
  • Expressions are Priceless! Ever noticed how the models’ faces look almost expressionless yet radiate confidence in their own way? Facial expressions are crucial in making the model feel confident. The neutral expression is to keep the focus on the designs instead of the model’s face. However, some brands like Victoria’s Secret ask their models to smile to exude happy energy. In either case, the choreographer is the best guide for the expressions but models should be able to pull off both. They must put on a strong face and use their eyes to express themselves while looking ahead. Models should focus on a spot ahead of them, even when they turn (with the head being the last to move.) 
Expressions are Priceless
  • Always Come Prepared This secret to successful catwalking comes from the most successful fashion models. Tweezed eyebrows, manicured nails, and clean hair highlight professionalism. Moreover, staying healthy and energized is as important as carrying portfolios, cosmetics, and nude and black lingerie in a model bag. Getting enough sleep will keep a model's energy levels up for long shows and make their skin radiant. Even the likes of Kendall Jenner and Devon Aoki bring in their model bags packed and ready.

Catwalking to Glory

Catwalking to Glory

To a bystander, the most successful fashion events are all about glamor, but on the inside, it is hard work and long work hours. If a model is known for their work ethic, brands are willing to engage with them regularly. In addition to on-point catwalking, such models have the reputation for being professional and punctual. 

For a successful catwalk show, the model should keep their pace smooth, adopt a natural body posture, and radiate strong expressions. Practice makes perfect, and even the best of models sometimes trip over! That said, the most important thing to remember is to let go of one's inhibitions. One must walk like a fashion model, strut like a runway model, and flaunt their best assets.

Brands looking to put together a fashion show should consider the costs, including the models’ fees before they plan the actual showcase. Newcomers in the fashion industry can connect with reliable suppliers and fashion designers through Fashinza’s AI-powered platform. Here, the latest industry news and updates are featured.

Key takeaways

  • A successful fashion show emphasizes not only the designs but also the models showcasing the outfits. 
  • Successful catwalking involves adopting a positive approach, putting on the right expressions, maintaining a strong pace, and looking confident yet natural

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